Networked Robotics and Systems Lab is located in Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen (哈尔滨工业大学深圳) Campus, Shenzhen, China. It is founded by Dr. Haoyao Chen, and is affiliated to Shenzhen Key Lab of Super-High speed and Super-High Resolution Imaging Technology. (深圳市航空航天大数据图像感知技术与装备重点实验室)
We are focusing the research on multiple intelligent robotic systems and internet of things. And we believe that in the near future, everything can be networked. Welcome people who have strong interests in Robotics to join in our group and make great creations.
Dr. Haoyao Chen (陈浩耀)received the Bachelor’s degree in Mechatronics and Automation from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2004, and the PhD degree in the Robotics from both the University of Science and Technology of China and the City University of Hong Kong in 2009. He was working as a visiting scholar in the Autonomous Systems Lab in ETHz, Switzerland. And he is currently the HEAD of Department of Automation, and is also a Professor in Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen and the State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System of China. He wins Guangdong “Special Support Program” Talent award and Shenzhen High Level Talent award. His research interests include aerial manipulation and transportation, robotic perception and cognition, multi-robot systems.
Networked Robotics and Systems Lab is located in Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen (哈尔滨工业大学深圳) Campus, Shenzhen, China. It is founded by Dr. Haoyao Chen, and is affiliated to Shenzhen Key Lab of Super-High speed and Super-High Resolution Imaging Technology. (深圳市航空航天大数据图像感知技术与装备重点实验室)
We are focusing the research on multiple intelligent robotic systems and internet of things. And we believe that in the near future, everything can be networked. Welcome people who have strong interests in Robotics to join in our group and make great creations.
- PhD candidates:
全凤宇 哈工大硕士 |
王思强 哈工大硕士 |
李宇翔 郑州大学本硕 |
华政宇 美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校硕士 |
贺睿 武汉大学本硕 |
王健丞 哈工大本硕 |
黄继东 哈工大本硕 |
吴逸威 西工大本硕 |
- Master candidates:
- 2022级:刘培焱(哈工大深圳保送),陈凌栩(哈工大深圳保送),沈远哲(哈工大英才学院保送),邢立(哈工大深圳),崔晨(东北大学)
- 2023级:李鸣航(哈工大深圳保送),张浩(哈工大英才学院保送),马宗宇(哈工大深圳保送),张伟凡(哈工大威海),李灵皓(国防科技大学)
- 2024级:谢阳(哈工大深圳保送),曹宇豪(哈工大深圳保送),李昱苇(哈工大深圳),宣元(哈工大深圳保送),吴逸坷(华南理工保送),覃漫婷(哈工大深圳保送-卓越工程师)
- Master candidates:
- Research assistant:
- 朱灵灵
- Research assistant:
- 毕业博士:
- 王志濠,哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士毕业生,博士论文:复杂崎岖地形下基于主动规划的感知增强技术研究,目前在美团自主驾驶部门
- 王煜,博士论文:面向复杂灾害救援场景的多模态同步定位与建图技术研究,目前中科大博士后
- 毕业硕士:
- 2009级:单同学(华为海思),朱同学(清华),靳同学(思杰云计算)
- 2010级:刘同学(柳叶刀创业),翟同学(华为),李同学(纽创信安)、周同学(华为)
- 2011级:张同学(速腾),刘同学(美国大学任教),梁同学(中广核)
- 2012级:钟同学(九天自主创业),杨同学(逐际动力),付同学(vivo),梁同学(华为)
- 2013级:李同学(牧原),刘同学(北理),梁同学(优秀毕业论文,宇视科技),宋同学(杉川),戴同学(商汤)
- 2014级:李同学(华为),贾同学(虹软),秦同学(海康),高同学(华为),都同学(小鹏)
- 2015级:崔同学(大疆),方同学(华为),王同学(优秀毕业论文,虹软),黄同学(友道智图),全同学(哈深博)
- 2016级:潘同学(优秀毕业论文,友道智图),周同学(华为),罗同学(百度),费同学(大疆),刘同学(虹软)
- 2017级:朱同学(虹软),孙同学(百篇优秀毕业论文,大疆),宋同学(商汤),巫同学(商汤)
- 2018级:陈同学(云鲸),帅同学(贸促会),苏同学(大疆),梁同学(一汽南京),胡同学(矩子科技),李同学(大疆)
- 2019级:曾同学(荣耀),曹同学(优秀毕业生/优秀毕业论文,讯飞),黄同学(芯动科技),陈同学(港科博),朱同学(优秀毕业生,大疆)
- 2020级:王同学(优秀毕业论文,逐际动力),黄同学(中国移动),王同学(友道智图),马同学(阿里巴巴),刘同学(华为),陈同学(阿里巴巴),张同学(港中文博)
- 2021级:欧阳同学(优秀毕业论文,文远知行),刘同学(优秀毕业生,港大博),闫同学(港科博),黄同学(速腾),刘同学(黑龙江优秀硕士毕业生,哈深博),吕同学(理想)
- 指导博士及硕士研究生91人,本科生21人,毕业研究生62人、本科生13人,2人国家奖学金,6人优秀毕业生,7人优秀毕业论文,1人百篇优秀硕士论文,4人优秀本科毕业论文,多人优秀团干三好学生。主要毕业去向为大疆,华为,海康,百度,商汤,虹软,腾讯,出国深造,各科研院所及自主创业,均奋斗在无人驾驶、机器人、人工智能等前沿领域。
- 毕业博士: